Sometimes, a couple is unable to conceive due to a reason not known by medical testing. Levels of fertility are difficult to assess, and your individual fertility can fluctuate from day to day, month-to-month, and year to year. These changes are based on a large variety of factors. At the same time, pregnancy has been known to occur when medical models of fertility claim they are scientifically impossible. Almost everyone had heard stories of women conceiving during menstruation, while on the contraceptive pill, or even after being labelled infertile by the medical community. As women, we never know when our eggs are ready to hatch!

gender selection We, as women, like to believe that we are in tune with our bodies enough that we can feel dramatic changes such as pregnancy. Trying to get pregnant can be a frustrating, disheartening experience. "I thought it was for real, this time!" a woman may exclaim. Sometimes, we may feel like we have conceived, only to be told by doctors that we're not pregnant. Other times, we may think we have avoided pregnancy by following our ovulation cycles, only to find that we have conceived accidentally. Unfortunately, the female body is still full of mystery, and we have much to learn about it. Finding the most fertile time for an individual woman's eggs is similar to boiling eggs in water; you never know when they are ready!

Ultrasound often gives results that show the progress of the pregnancy to be 1-2 weeks at variance with expectations of the doctors. These conceptions occur at time when they are quite sure they are safe. Doctors have traditionally felt that these instances result from "human error" on the part of the woman, and many of them might be. In other instances, how can conception occur in the apparent absence of ovulation? Dr. Eugen Jonas has an answer: There is a second cycle. In an adult woman one egg is released from the ovary in mid-cycle. However, there is also a capacity for this to occur at other times.

Spontaneous ovulation is a phenomenon long known about in medical circles, but little understood or explored. Since little has been understood about why and when it occurs it has always been a "rogue" element in fertility control.

There are four (4) days of possible and potential fertility during spontaneous ovulation each month. So, when conception is desired, it is preferable to make love within these four so-called "highly fertile" days.

If you have been diagnosed with "unexplained fertility," we can determine your individual, highly fertile (red) days for you. By utilizing these days, you can dramatically increase your chances of conception. Many women who had been considered infertile for many years became pregnant after the first proper use of highly fertile days.

Dr. Jonas has spent his entire medical career working with infertile volunteer couples in state and private hospitals and maternity clinics finding out when the second, spontaneous ovulation is happening. He has discovered that the timing of conception is the most important natural aid to fertility.

The Dr. Eugen Jonas Method® is able to determine very accurately your highly fertile days.

Using this method, you will have the best chance to conceive without drugs, chemicals, expensive treatments, herbs and other health hazards. We will provide you with your individual highly fertile days to determine when conception is most probable. You will learn how to use them in the section HOW TO .

For the conception, the fully RED days should be used. Sexual intercourse should happen one day before the fully "red" (highly fertile) days, which we will provide you. 85% pregnancies occured during these "red" highly fertile days. To increase your chances of conception, the sexual intercourse is recommended also on the other two preceding days, which makes altogether a 3-day highly fertile term preceding the fully red day. However, consideration should be also given to the individual ovulation cycle that is determined according to the menstruation period. Fifteen (15) days are to be added to the first day of the menstruation and this day is to be fully colored GREEN.

The best day to conceive is when the fully RED (highly fertile day) overlaps or coincides with the full GREEN (ovulation) day. Conception takes place in almost 99% of such cases.

Note: RED days are the days by which conception is determined. This is why sexual intercourse should occur one day before the red day.

Should the RED day fall during menstruation, gynaecologists do not recommend sexual intercourse, above all, due to hygienic reasons. However, many women are grateful for their child being conceived during menstruation.

For detailed instructions please refer also to the section HOW TO.

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News! News! News!

....only now scientists had found what Dr. Jonas confirmed in his clinical trials 47 years (!!!) ago...

(Reuters) - No wonder the rhythm method does not work so well for birth control -- scientists in Canada said they had found women sometimes ovulate several times in a single month.
Their finding, if verified, would overturn the traditional wisdom that women produce an egg cell once a month. It would also help explain why "natural" methods of birth control, based on the idea that ovulation can be predicted, often fail.

"We are literally going to have to re-write medical textbooks," said Dr. Roger Pierson, director of the Reproductive Biology Research Unit at the University of Saskatchewan, who led the study.

"It's exactly why the rhythm method doesn't work."

Scientists have long known that humans have unique cycles of ovulation. Many animals come into heat -- a time when all the males around know through smells and visual signals that a female is ovulating and ready to conceive.

Not so with humans, who have "concealed" ovulation.

Standard medical science says a woman has a cycle running roughly 28 days in which an egg ripens, is released by the follicle, drops into the fallopian tube, and then is either fertilized or shed during menstruation.

Writing in the journal Fertility and Sterility, Pierson and colleagues found this did not always happen.

"We weren't expecting this. We really weren't," Pierson said in a telephone interview.

In the study, Pierson, veterinarian Gregg Adams and graduate student Angela Baerwald did daily, high-resolution ultrasound scans on 63 women for a month, which allowed them to see the follicles very clearly.

"We had 63 women with normal menstrual cycles. Of those 63, only 50 had normal ovarian cycles," Pierson said.

Thirteen of the women ovulated multiple times, in various different ways. And of the other 50, 40 percent had up to three waves of activity by the follicles, any one of which could result in the production of an egg.

The women's hormone levels did not match this activity, Pierson said. "Hopefully this will help women explain how they got pregnant when they really didn't want to be pregnant, and it certainly will help us design better fertility therapies."

Apparently, measuring hormones in the blood is not enough to predict what a woman's reproductive system is up to.

"The hormones do what they are going to do and the ovaries just follow their merry path," Pierson said.

"We always thought that menstrual cycles and ovarian cycles were one and the same. It turns out they are just like two political parties -- sometimes they go along hand in hand for the good of the country and sometimes they go along their separate ways."

Pierson's team plans longer-term studies to see if the women's patterns are consistent from month to month.

"We don't know what's causing it -- we don't know if it is the weather or exposure to men or grapefruit juice or what," Pierson said.

The findings, which were first seen in cattle and horses, help explain some things that have puzzled obstetricians, Pierson said.

"It really explains how we get fraternal twins with different conception days," Pierson said. "Clinically, we see this all the time. We see women come in with twins and when we do an ultrasound we see one is at one 10 weeks development and another at seven."

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